We support you!

Do you need help or have any questions regarding Norden Seeds. We will gladly advice on pre-sale matters. Also we take great pride in helping our customers fast and competently.

Maybe your question has already been answered. Please firstly see the most common questions we get.

If you need to contact us please email at [email protected].
Wickr: North2u

Frequently asked questions

How long time does shipping take?

EU: 2-3 days
World: 5-10 days

From where are you shipping?

Scandinavia from Sweden.
Rest of the world from Spain.

Is the packeging discreet?

Yes its in a standard colored insulated envelope.

Do you ship globally?

As long as cannabis seeds isn’t illegal in your country.

What are your terms?

Click here for our terms.

The seeds we sell are collectors items. You cannot germinate them in a territory where it is against the law to grow plants from these seeds.

Collaborations and influencers

Do you want to work together with us and promote our brand in your channels? Please contact us.

Are the seeds of high quality?

Yes we are proud to say that all seeds are stored in perfect conditions and regularly tested for assurance of high germination rates.

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